Sunday, September 30, 2018

Scientists Working Together!

The children started with what they thought were plain white beads.  
They used a pipe cleaner to create a small creature with the beads.  
Look what happened when we stepped outside!  

After reading Beneath the Sun by Melissa Stewart, we learned how people, birds and animals protect themselves from the sun's harmful rays - even in the ocean!  Our goal was to work in engineering teams to create a shelter that would keep our beads from turning colors.  We learned so much about working together, rethinking our designs and the thrill of success.  
Below are just a few of our ideas.

 Great job Scientists!

Writers Use Labels

In writing workshop, 
we are learning the importance of using labels 
to help the reader gain meaning.
We labeled a picture first and then...

Our Principal, Mrs. Allen stopped by 
and we labeled her!

What a GREAT sport she is!  
Thank you Mrs. Allen!!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Partner Power!

Whether it's reading a book or a word in our classroom, 
it's so much more fun to do it TOGETHER!!

Thank you Mrs. Pletcher 
for reading Mrs. Wishy Washy with us!